Apple juice &
craft cider

Craft cider & apple juice
Fresh from the gardens of Oxfordshire

We make craft cider and apple juice using apples donated from local gardens and orchards - apples that would usually go to waste, either falling from the trees to make a mess in the garden or left to rot. We hate waste & it seems many others do too! We love to receive pears as well.
Dates 2025:
Orchard maintenance on these Saturday mornings: 22nd Feb, 1st March. All welcome.
Cider launch: we'll release & taste the newest batch of cider in April - date tbc.
Apple pressing will start in mid August.
Cider tasting
What do you prefer - dry, medium, or sweet? What makes a good cider? Groups of 6 or more can book a date to taste our cider. £15 per head.

Oxford Farmhouse CIC is a community-based organisation that turns waste fruit into delicious, award-winning drinks. The pressing is done with the help of the local community, including men who have been homeless and are getting back on their feet. We also work with schools to teach them about food processes and where food comes from. The Head Teacher from Barton Park School, after a visit to us, said that the children talked about nothing but their visit to us for a whole week!
90% of apples grown in gardens in England go to waste. That's a lot of fruit that could be turned into something delicious instead of being thrown away. Our next season for apple pressing starts in August 2024. Before that, we will be pruning trees, including an old orchard which has apple trees over 100 years old, and holding our annual pruning workshops.
We work with Edge Housing, providing a rehab space for their members. One of the members wrote, 'thank you for helping me get my confidence back.' Volunteers from the local community also help with pressing and pruning, including Abundance Oxford and the Oxford University Nature Conservation Society.
In the last year, we achieved:
- 1000 volunteer hours of nature conservation and processing waste fruit
- 12 men helped with confidence building, work skills and returning to work
- 11 tons of waste fruit processed
- although we are a modern charity, we also have given fruit, juice or donations to Oxford Mutual Aid & individuals.
One of our fantastic team of volunteers wrote: ‘Having recently suffered with mental health issues & never experiencing so in the past, Andrew and his business offered a safe place to begin to reengage once again as well as offering meaning & purpose. This is more than a business, it offers the opportunity for people like myself to begin to find one’s feet again.’
If you would like to contribute to keep this project going, please donate below. As a CIC, one of the modern charity structures, we are very grateful for your support.